Training: Fundraisers 101
This training comes from Kelly Tenney & Amanda Johnson. In it you’ll find tips and ideas to move your business beyond home parties and into fundraisers.
This training comes from Kelly Tenney & Amanda Johnson. In it you’ll find tips and ideas to move your business beyond home parties and into fundraisers.
We’ve put together our Top Ten Questions those who want to Rock Their Business ask when they are first getting started. Here’s what we came up with: What goals should I set? How can I connect with other consultants? What is a launch party? How do I book parties? What do I need to know?…
Social Media is a great way to promote your business, but we all know the delicate balance required when using social media to avoid blasting people with business deals and sales propositions. We all just want to do our best at making the world a better place by giving people access to quality products that…
Get Your 6 Pack On! Looking for ways to boost your July sales? Well, don’t wait any longer! Let’s get from 0 to 500 dollars in PRV just by contacting past hostesses! 1. Make a list of all your past hostesses. Think back through your home parties, basket parties, and fundraisers. Think about any customers…
Use this with your proposal to help the organization see their potential earnings.
Here is a flyer you can use to share ways to use the Scent Circles. This is a great idea to share with your proposal.
Star Consultant NAME here This is one of the GREATEST times to earn an incentive. By focusing on sales, sponsoring, and promotions, you will be building a blooming business all while working toward a free trip! It is crucial to Sponsor if you have the desire to earn this trip. You need more frontline to…