GA Scarf Fundraiser Spreadsheet
Use this with your proposal to help the organization see their potential earnings.
Download “GA Fundraiser Spread Sheet”
Use this with your proposal to help the organization see their potential earnings.
Download “GA Fundraiser Spread Sheet”
If you attended the 2014 Scentsy Family Reunion in St. Louis, we mentioned having materials available to you in the Rah-Rah Recruiting breakout session. Below you will find a download link to our slide deck. You may also want to check out our post on How To Host An Opportunity Night or maybe you are…
What is a To-Go party Have you ever wanted to book parties but don’t have all the time in the world to book four parties a month? An awesome option for parties is to host a To-Go party! A To-Go party is a mini version of a home party except you give the supplies to the…
This training comes from Kelly Tenney & Amanda Johnson. In it you’ll find tips and ideas to move your business beyond home parties and into fundraisers.
My Scentsy journey began September 7, 2012 after one of the biggest transition periods in my short 30 years. I resigned from my full-time teaching position in May of 2012 and after finishing the school year, suddenly found myself a stay-at-home-mom to my two children who are now ages “almost 8” and 19 months. I…
In September 2010 I was a mom of 3 in a marriage that had been struggling for years with the same things over and over, while i was working a full time job from 10-7, 5 days a week. I was emotionally drained and really had no clue if I was ever going to be happy….
Your Scentsy Family Workstation is the place where the relationships you build meet the products you provide them with. It’s where you’ll place orders, see how your downline is performing, and get news from the Scentsy Family. It’s crucial that you familiarize yourself the the workstation, so let’s look at it together. 1. Home The…